Art and Photography

Art and Photography
  • Art and Photography
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Our Art curriculum provides all students, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities, with opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills using a range of media and materials. Students learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and digital art and are given the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas. Students are introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of artistic styles and vocabulary used in a variety of different cultures and by a range of Artists and Crafts people. The skills they acquire aim to be applied to cross-curricular topics, allowing students to use their art skills to reflect on and explore concepts in greater depth, enabling them to utilise and understand the transferable skills gained in Art and Design and apply them successfully in other subject areas. We pride ourselves on the high standards and expectations we set both ourselves and our students, proved by a successful record of exam results. Many of our senior art students go on to art college and University foundation courses and enjoy success in an art related field.


At Bulmershe, we follow the National Curriculum at KS3. Students produce artwork in response to set project themes which give them the opportunity to develop their drawing skills, explore and investigate a wide range of media, and study the work of artists and designers from other times and cultures. They are encouraged to respond visually, verbally and in written form, to the project themes. Students are taught to evaluate their own work and the work of other artists and designers, research information and develop their own ideas.

KS3 Banding Criteria

If you child is in years 7-9, their report will be graded in bands. To understand the criteria behind these bands, please see the assessment document below:

Art KS Assessment Criteria


The Department offers Art, Craft and Design and Photography GCSE and we follow the AQA GCSE Art and Design Specification. This is made up of two parts, which together give a student their final grade. The Personal Portfolio is worth 60% of the overall mark and consists of a series of teacher led and personally led themed assignments and a final examination project, which is worth 40%. Students respond to four assessment objectives, which require them to record observations and ideas, analyse their own and other's artwork, experiment with a range of media in the development of ideas and produce final outcomes.

Exam Board: AQA

Find out more about GCSE Art & Design:


The Department offers AQA A-Level in Fine Art and Photography. These are both a two year course which enables students to creatively explore the world of Art and Photography and it's applications in the wider community. Students complete two components to achieve this award.

Component one, worth 60% of the qualification, consists of a Personal Investigation which is the practical element of the course and an extended written study known as Personal Study. Through these two elements students are guided to fulfil all four Assessment Objectives. This will involve generating and developing ideas, researching primary and contextual resources, recording practical and written observations, experimenting with media and processes and refining ideas towards producing personal resolved outcomes.

Component two, which accounts for the final 40% of the qualification, will be undertaken from February of year 13 and is assessed through an Externally Set Assignment. In this element, students will be given a preparatory period to produce a portfolio of practical and written development work, based on a starting point supplied by AQA. The course culminates in a 15 hour review period, under examination conditions of sustained focus in which students realise a final outcome in response to the externally set theme.

Exam Board: AQA

Find out more about A-Level Art & Design:

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

In addition to our taught curriculum, we also offer a range of extra-curricular activities. Our extra curricular programme is always being reviewed and updated to meet the needs of our students, we run an open door policy in the Art department. In the last few years we have offered: a thriving KS3 Art club that enters national Art competitions, trips to galleries as well as revision classes and homework support sessions.

Our Art & Photography Team

Our Faculty team comprises of three subject specialist teachers who offer a range of expertise, skills and knowledge in a range of Art and Design disciplines, accompanied by our fantastic faculty technician. Our committed faculty staff strive to ensure your child receives a high quality of teaching and learning, giving students a broad experience of art and design, which enthuses and inspires them to be creative and successful students. We are a collaborative team, who regularly share our knowledge and skills with each other, which extends not only the staff’s knowledge but also the students we teach.

For many years we have been in partnership with the University of Reading in training PGCE trainee teachers who have all gone on to find positions in other schools or within this department.

Art and Photography Teaching Staff

Mr S Davis,
Head of Creative Arts Faculty, Head of Photography

Mr E Crane
Head of Art

Miss E Hesketh,
Art Teacher

Miss M Howe,
Photography Teacher

Mrs J Poulton:
Teacher of Art (Mondays only) 


Further Information

Subject Information and Course Content can be found below:-

If you have any further queries, please contact the Faculty Leader, Mr S Davis